Do I attract sharks when surfing on my period?
Don't worry, your period doesn't make you a shark magnet!
Science says there is no significant proof of a link between menstrual blood and shark attacks. The only thing you’ll attract is admiring glances for your awesome surfing skills!
But even today, women still have to deal with social nonsense, such as the idea that you shouldn’t go into the water during your period because you’ll attract sharks.
This is worrying because even in the 21st century, menstruation is still a taboo subject in many countries and is associated with a stigma. This can perpetuate damaging misconceptions that affect the mental and physical well-being of menstruating women. Women can be affected by social-cultural beliefs, leading to serious consequences such as human rights issues. They may also face exclusion from public spaces such as school and unfair treatment due to outdated beliefs about menstruation. In certain regions, menstruation can even endanger a girl’s education.
Surf's Up, Period or No
At My Serendipity, we want to discuss whether surfing during your period is good or bad and clarify some things:
Is There a Problem to Surf When on My Period?
Problem? More like an opportunity! Surfing on your period is as safe and enjoyable as surfing on any other day. There’s no rule book saying the ocean is off-limits during your time of the month. So, if you’re up for it, the waves are too!
To Surf or Not to Surf on My Period?
Should you hit the waves or hit the couch? Here’s the secret: If you’re feeling for a surf, go ride those waves! Your period shouldn’t dictate your surf schedule. But if your body screams for a Netflix day, that’s cool too. You do you, girl!
How surfing affects my cycle?
Your menstrual cycle might be the tide in your ocean, influencing how you feel. Some days you’re the queen of the surf; other days, you might just want to float. Tune into your body’s rhythm – it’s like choosing the right wave; timing is everything!
Can I Use Feminine Products When Surfing?
Absolutely! Tampons and menstrual cups are like your secret surfing allies. They’re discreet, secure, and let you ride those waves without a care.

Menstruation is a natural and healthy biological process,
where there are no rules or tabus. It’s your body and your decision. In fact, listen to your body needs in these times a little more. Maybe you need to catch less waves and eat more chocolate, or your body and mind is asking for some ocean waves to feel your body cycle even more!
If you want to exchange your thoughts or surf in a safe space, come surfing with us in one of our future retreats.